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The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty
Doll Bones
Holly Black
The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp - Kathi Appelt, Jennifer Bricking A Newbery contender, I think. True Blue Scouts is a mix of adventure, mystery, tall tale, and animal story. There are many, many points of view, all tied together by a funny narrator who is almost as chummy as in A Tale Dark and Grimm.Each little section, or point of view, immediately starts building anticipation for a final scene that you hope, hope, hope will go a certain way. It's done very well.While I loved it, there will be some kids who won't enjoy this style of narration or who might be turned off by the higher vocabulary. But if they read it, they'll be ready in a few years for the ivory-billed woodpecker in Where Things Come Back.eGalley provided by Atheneum Books for Young Readers via edelweiss.